Bacterial light-harvesting-reaction center core complex LH1-RC

   Ca-LH1RC(3.0Å)       Sr(Ba)-LH1RC          Hybrid LH1-RC         Ca-LH1RC(1.9Å)  
Nature 2014        Biochemistry 2016        PNAS 2017             Nature 2018 
                                                                   日本語要旨 PDB:5Y5S   

From recent publications

紅色硫黄光合成細菌のモデルであるAlc. vinosumのLH1-RCの構造
High-resolution structure of the LH1-RC from the best-studied model purple sulfur bacterium, Alc. vinosum
Alc. vinosumの光捕集複合体LH1は特定のタンパク質だけがCa2+と結合しています。

Unexpectedly, six Ca ions were identified in the Alc. vinosum LH1 bound to certain α- and β-polypeptides.

Communications Biology (2024) [Open Access]

A crescent-shaped LH1-RC complex from
Rba. capsulatus
紅色光合成細菌Rba. capsulatusのPufXはN末端が特異なコンフォメーションをとっていることがわかりました。

The N-terminus of PufX polypeptide reveals a self-associated form with amino acids in its own transmembrane domain.

Nature Communications (2023)
[Open Access]

Possible link between PufX and N-terminus of the RC Cyt-subunit
好酸性紅色光合成細菌Rpi. globiformisのLH1には新たにγ-likeタンパク質が見出された。

Multiple copies of a novel γ-like polypeptide have been identified in the BChl a-containing Rpi. globiformis LH1-RC complex.

Communications Biology (2022)
[Open Access]

Asymmetric structure of the native Rhodobacter sphaeroides dimeric LH1-RC
 最もよく研究されてきた紅色光合成細菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides のLH1-RCは、2つ非対称的に折れ曲がった単位から構成されています。
 In this paper, a protein-U-deleted LH1-RC structure is also presented that shows a half-moon shape.

Nature Communicatioins (2022) [Open Access]


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